Acupuncture helps relieve back pain in different ways. First, acupuncture helps the body to release chemicals such as endorphins and opioid peptides. Endorphins are natural painkillers produced by the body. Opioid peptides have an analgesic effect on the body and help considerably to alleviate pain. Second, acupuncture increases the amount of stimulation required by the nervous system to stimulate the nerves which register pain. Finally, it helps to release tight muscle tissue and stimulate circulation.
There are other modalities that can be used in addition to simple acupuncture to increase results such as cupping and electro- stimulation. Cupping increases circulation and aids in releasing the connective tissues which allows for a deeper release of the musculature. Electro-stimulation can be added to the needles to increase the benefits. This stimulation is gentle and not painful. It also helps to release the muscles involved. Please follow any of the links provided for more in-depth information on any of the topics covered in this blog post or give me a call and book an appointment to experience acupuncture firsthand.